My 1997 XK8 4.0 Convertible
Two Previous, Owners Just 53000 Miles
When purchased the power hood did not work and was latched closed, multiple warning lights showing, Jammed thermostat which was not opening, Knackered battery, Kerbed wheels, damaged front bumper and door mirrors. Oh yes and it contained more nicotine than William Morris. Most of it in the head lining. The car made a terrible sound when running and initially I thought it was bearings or one of the ancillaries failed, as it changed with engine speed. This fortunately was an easy fix beacuse it was caused by the three bolts holding the power steering pump pulley to its flange being loose and the holes had become elongated. It must have been like this for some time but after a visit to Essex Jaguar who had a second hand one for £12 all was quiet again.